Intermediate Grades (3rd - 5th Grades) » Social Studies

Social Studies

The goal of the social studies program is to promote civic competence in our students. The five strands which comprise the social studies curriculum are: history, civics/government, social justice, geography, and economics. Our students in the intermediate grades continue to learn about the history of the United States, its government, and its economy. Students are asked to debate, defend, compare/contrast and use cause/effect when studying the social studies concepts. Additionally, students continue their study of geography with map and globe skills, using more advanced concepts. Through the lens of our Catholic faith, our students examine the role of the Catholic Church in concepts such as slavery and Civil Rights. A basic textbook is used by teachers, as well as videos, websites, and hands-on projects.
Textbooks used:
• Third grade: Social Studies: Communities
• Fourth grade: Elementary Social Studies: My World
• Fifth grade: Elementary Social Studies: My World
• Gain an understanding of the early Native Americans
• Identify and discuss the American Indians of Georgia
• Explore prominent Catholic figures of early America
• Gain an understanding of the different periods in American history through the early1900s
• Appreciate the different groups of people who shaped our country
• Examine the responsibilities of a U.S. citizen
• Examine and explain the founding documents of our country
• Understand the role of the Catholic Church in slavery and Civil Rights
• Locate topographical features on a map or globe
• Compare and contrast different regions of the U.S., including significant physical features
• Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers
• Describe the economic system of early America
• Understand how economic growth impacts our economy