Middle School Grades (6th - 8th Grades) » Religion


At the heart of our school is our religion program.  Our religion permeates everything that we do here at St. Joseph Catholic School. In middle school, our students delve deeper into our faith.  Understanding that the bible is written under God’s inspiration, our students examine how we use the bible to guide our lives each day.  Our students examine the different ways that our God calls us by name, and how we can use the Church documents to grow closer to Him.   Our students examine social justice issues and how we are called to respond to these issues.  Forming a personal relationship with our God is the ultimate goal of our religion program; through reading the bible, different forms of prayer, adoration, and exposition to the Blessed Sacrament, our students continue to strengthen their relationship with our God. 

 Textbooks used:

  • Sixth grade: Christ Our Life:  God calls a People
  • Seventh grade: Christ Our Life: New Evangelization
  • Eighth grade: Christ Our Life:  Church, Then and Now
  • Recognize the ways that God knows us and calls us by name
  • Demonstrate the understanding of our need for a personal relationship with God
  • Illustrate what living the Good News means
  • Develop a stronger understanding of Church dogma, including the Feast of the Ascension, the Nicene Creed, and the Paschal Mystery
  • Recognize the roots of the Church and explore Catholic beliefs
  • Recognize the Church as a faith community and that through faith communities, we come to know God
  • Understand and use different types of prayer to express a genuine relationship with God
  • Discuss the theology of stewardship and explain its relationship with our daily lives
  • Acknowledge and affirm that all people are children of God who have dignity and worth
  • Identify Christian vocations and examine the role of the religious in our Church
  • Apply social justice principles to our personal and societal situations
  • Develop a moral conscience through Church teachings